I. Introduction
NMI has created policies & procedures to set the expectations, rights, and responsibilities of students, faculty and staff.
Policy Development and implementation is a continuous and evolutionary process. It should be anticipated that additional policies and procedures will be added to this page and existing policies will be modified or abandoned as needs and circumstances require. To maintain its usefulness, changes to this page will be made as policies and procedures are revised, added, or removed.
II. Organization of Policies
This Policies and Procedures page contains operative NMI policies adopted by the organization in eight major areas. The policies and procedures posted here supersede prior policies and procedures.
The policies and procedures are grouped into the following classifications:
Each policy is assigned an identification number within the appropriate classification series. The pages of each policy, and any related procedures, are numbered. Inquiries about policies and procedures and interpretations as to their applicability should be directed to the Executive Director.
1. Mission, Program Goals & Assessment
2. Curricula
Curricular Mapping & Program Design
Curriculum Review Policy
Student Assessment Plan
Student - Faculty Engagement
3. Faculty
Academic Faculty Evaluation covered in the Employee Evaluation and Performance Management Policy
Clinical Faculty Evaluation and Performance Management Policy
4. Facilities, Equipment, Supplies, and Resources
Instructional Equipment Policy
Library and Learning Resources
Regular Review of Resources
5. Governance & Administration
ADA Compliance and Accommodations
Benefits and Raises
Cash Flow Policy
Contingency Leadership/Owner Succession Policy
HIPAA Compliance Policy
Maintenance of Legal Authorization to Operate
Staff Compensation
Staff Qualifications
Vacation, Personal Time, Accrual and Use
6. Student Services
7. Student Affairs
Continued Enrollment after Financial Suspension
Exception to Policy
Non-Matriculating Students
Student Academic Evaluation
Student Evaluation in the Clinical Setting
Student Learning Plan
8. Complaints & Grievance
Retention of Grievance Records