National Midwifery Institute’s revised, modernized Study Group curriculum.

Coming early 2025


Changes to Technology & Curriculum Delivery

Study Group curriculum will be delivered in a digital, online education format. Students will log in to an individualized student platform, with access to:

  • Each module, featuring recorded content of direct teaching on modules topics from NMI Staff and Guest Speakers

  • A variety of learning activities per module, including quiz questions, projects, essays, practice guidelines, and short/long answer text. Module submissions will be reviewed holistically, and instructors will upload feedback for student review

  • Module instruction will remain asynchronous and pre-recorded

  • Students will be able to save progress and return to incomplete modules for completion

  • A personalized dashboard to view module submission status, dates returned, grades, etc.

  • Linked PDF copies of all previously submitted modules

Updated Module Content

NMI staff have taken this opportunity to update each and every module for the most up-to-date content from both midwifery and medical perspectives. Updated curriculum also guides student research skills with new technology & projects.

Updated Module Resources

Every single module has received a deep review of resources ensuring resources are relevant, up-to-date, and accessible to students. This has involved paring down our required textbook list to essentials and increasing access to diverse online content for students.

Clinical Skills Teaching

Students will have access to a bank of recorded videos of clinical skills teaching to accompany relevant modules to better integrate clinical & academic education, as well as to provide direct clinical instruction background to support student learning in their apprenticeships.


Module Equivalency Charts:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):