"The self-paced and self-directed nature of the program's structure fits perfectly with my innate style of curiosity in learning." ~an NMI student

Student Life

NMI offers open enrollment year-round. NMI students complete coursework and clinical experience requirements at their own pace, but all must meet NMI's minimum academic and clinical progress policies (see Quarterly Progress, below). Students have up to seven years to complete the program (including leaves of absence), but they may graduate earlier, as long as they are enrolled for a minimum of one year and meet NARM’s requirement that clinical experience must occur over a minimum of two years.

Correspondence education affords students the opportunity to complete program requirements in their own communities. While NMI's correspondence format means that there are no brick-and-mortar classrooms, NMI students do have access to a vibrant online community for connection, shared experience, and learning opportunities. Students interact with instructors and each other through Virtual Group, a student Facebook Group, and an online Student Portal. Comprehensive student services are also provided by email, phone, and videoconferencing. 

More information about the following aspects of NMI student life can be found below:

“I have been very happy with my experience with NMI. I would recommend the school to anyone interested in midwifery.”

~ an NMI Graduate

Hive Mind

NMI students are invited to participate in NMI's bi-weekly Hive Mind. These sessions are facilitated by NMI Virtual Instructors via Zoom, and cover a wide range of topics found in the Study Group modules. Topics are selected in advance, but students may request that instructors cover alternate material. Participants share information and resources during these student-driven study While sessions often focus in-depth on a particular midwifery topic or module, past sessions have also addressed diverse topics such as business management, student/preceptor relationships, and self-care for midwives. 

"Hive Mind is so valuable." ~ an NMI student

Once per month, Hive Mind is reserved for NMI Student Peer Support, facilitated by a senior student. No staff or faculty attend these Peer Support sessions. 

Students call in to Hive Mind using their computer, tablet, smartphone, or landline phone. Virtual  Group takes place every Sunday at 3:30 pm PST / 5:30 pm EST, and every Wednesday at  5:30 pm PST / 8:30 pm EST.

Student and Graduate Facebook Groups

"There was bonding with other NMI students both in person and online that I appreciated. This part actually kept me going and enabled my to finish my studies."

~ an NMI graduate

Enrolled students are encouraged to participate in NMI's closed Facebook Group. This lively discussion board is a place for students to interact with other students and NMI instructors, with opportunities to share resources, discuss coursework, network, and more. 

A separate, closed Facebook Group is also available to NMI graduates.

Academic Advising and Tutoring Support

Students can reach out to the Academic Director for academic advising and support. The Academic Director will assist students in setting goals and creating learning plans to meet those goals in order to complete the midwifery certificate program in a planned timeline.

Tutoring. After modules have been submitted, and if there remains knowledge gaps, the Coursework Instructors may recommend tutoring, and/or students may request tutoring if they need more support.

Online Student Portal

In the NMI Student Portal, enrolled students access the Study Group Coursework modules as well as video, audio, and web resources for each module. The Student Portal also includes:

  • All NMI forms for download (writable pdfs): experience documentation forms, preceptor application

  • NMI orientation materials, including guides to graduation and preparation for the NARM exam

  • Digital journal subscription (Midwifery Matters)

  • NMI mp3 library: MANA and CAM conference session recordings 2008-present

Clinical Placement Support

NMI does not place students with Preceptors. However, the NMI Clinical Director can work with a student to identify appropriate potential preceptors, share lists of past preceptors who have worked with NMI students, and otherwise support the student in securing a clinical placement.

NMI also keeps a list of apprenticeship opportunities on our website and shares postings with our students through NMI’s Student Facebook group as we become aware of them.

Quarterly Check-Ins

"The quarterly check-in process helps me re-assess my trajectory and review my approach the previous quarter...thereby giving me the information I need to move forward effectively." ~ a NMI student

NMI sends out quarterly reminders during the third month of each quarter, reminding each student of their academic and clinical status and what they have due by the end of the quarter. NMI also provides quarterly check-in questions to gather information about each student's experience in the program and to make any updates to their learning plan.

NARM Test Prep

NMI offers one free NARM Prep Test to all NMI graduates. The Academic Director or designated midwifery staff will review student responses and meet with the student for up to 1 hour to provide targeted support and preparation for the NARM exam. 

"I feel NMI is available always for any questions or concerns." ~ an NMI student

To learn more, view the NMI Handbook.